Make mailto: links open in gmail in Google Chrome browser (Windows XP only)
I’ve been rocking Google’s new web browser Chrome for the last few days and really like it. Browsing craigslist and clicking on email mailto: links I realized there isn’t an obvious way to force these links to open a gmail window in Chrome. Most Windows systems will...
How to: Set Up Secure Remote Access with OpenVPN
The Free Windows Networking Toolkit: 10 Must-Have Apps
1. CrossLoopWhen you want to get help with a computer problem from a friend— or help a friend with a problem—you can use the Windows Remote Assistance feature, but it doesn’t always work reliably through routers and firewalls. CrossLoop, on the other hand, makes...
How to Prioritize LAN Network Connection over Wireless Connection in Vista
When I'm in the office I have a network cable on my hot desk and access to wireless networking. There's enough bandwidth available on wireless for most purposes, but for large downloads and software installations wired is greatly preferable. Yesterday when I was...
How to Embed YouTube Clips in WordPress
First, under your User Profile, disable the visual editor when writing. This remove all rich text formatting.Next, go to the YouTube clip you want to embed and grab the Object Embed code to the right of the clip and paste that code into your wordpress post.That's it.
DNS Problems – How to Clear Your DNS Cache
If you are having DNS issues, try this command: dnscmdServerName/clearcache Related article: