Windows Memory Diagnostic Utility

Frequent PC crashes can stem from bad RAM.  Run this utility to see if this is the case for you --

Using Postini for Inbound Filtering of Your Inbound Mail Only

MX records #1-4 is postini and we had MX #5 as our Exchange 2007 mail server.  MX records only control inbound email.  Outbound email will use A host records and PTR records so removing MX #5 will not cause any problems with mail flow.

How to enable Client for Microsoft Networks in Windows 2008

After dissolving Teaming Mode on my dual NIC setup, I was unable to enable Client for Microsoft Networks.On Windows 2008 server, click LAN connection #1 and press the Alt key -- this will pull up a menu on top so that you can go to Advanced > Advanced Settings.Make...

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