Migration strategy to Exchange 2007 using Google’s Postini Email Filtering
It is no secret that Google has the best anti-spam email filtering on the market. After purchasing Postini, Google lowered their prices for inbound filtering to only $3 per user per year. What an incredible deal! So say you have a mail server with poor anti-spam...
Moving databases in Exchange 2007
Make sure to dismount database PRIOR to moving database. It is advisable to keep the same folder structure when moving it to a new partition/hard drive.
Windows 2008 NTBackup does not back up Exchange 2007
Scott Schnoll’s announced a new Microsoft plugin that will do Exchange VSS Backups on Windows Server 2008. Windows Server 2008’s new Windows Server Backup utility, the replacement for NTBackup, doesn’t do Exchange backups out of the box.
Important Things to Know BEFORE Deploying Exchange 2007
You have to have a local domain controller in the same network as the Exchange 2007 server. Connecting to a domain controller on a different subnet via a VPN will prevent certain Directory Services from working such as downloading Offline Address Book (OAB). This...
Prerequisite for Deploying Exchange 2007 on Windows 2008
You have to diable IPv6 on the Exchange server as well as the domain controllers using regedit.
Exchange 2007 requires a domain controller in its local subnet network
If you are going to deploy Exchange 2007, although some features will work by allowing the Exchange server to contact a remote domain controller via a VPN tunnel, it is strongly recommended that you have a local domain controller in the same subnet as the Exchange...