How to configure password policies in Active Directory 2003

From domain controller, go to Administrative Tools and select "Default Domain Security Settings." Under Account Policies > Password Policy, change minimum password page to 75 days and maximum password age to 90 days. This way, you get a warning after the...

Changing the Primary Email Address in Exchange 2007

Sometimes you need to assign more then one email address to one object (user or group) from various reasons and make this new email address the default email address (this is email address that the recipient side will see and reply). In Exchange 2000 / 2003 servers...

How to shut down services that start during bootup

Go to Start Menu, for Vista, just type "msconfig" and for older Windows XP go to Start > Run and then type "msconfig". Go to the Startup tab and uncheck all the services that you want to disable. This will speed up performance in Vista.

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