Mount .iso images using MagicDisk on Windows 2008
I tried a bunch on Windows 2008 and this is the only one that worked -
Boost Vista Performance by Disabling the Hibernate Feature
Power Options > Advanced Settings > Sleep - Hibernate after Setting (Minutes): 0
DNS Cleanup, Configuration and Best Practices in a Windows 2003 Active Directory
We are running 2 domain controllers in 2 separate offices connected via a VPN tunnel. Each of them is running a local DNS server. And we have 3 public DNS servers in our data center. First, you want to verify AD replication using replmon from the Windows Server...
Last Known Good Configuration
You can use the Last Known Good Configuration login option to restore your computer’s registry to a state when you were last able to boot successfully. The Last Known Good Configuration option restores the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSet. To...
Using msconfig to troubleshoot PC performance
Start > Run, type msconfig. Go to Startup tab and see which programs are running when you start your machine.
Windows 2003 Server Network Load Balancing
Network Load Balancing Server #1 Cluster Parameters192.168.10.178 (shared/cluster machine IP) Host Parameters192.168.10.175 (actual machine IP) Port RulesAll 80-80 Both - Multiple, no priority, equal load, no affinity ...