How to Build Your Own Amazon Echo with a Raspberry Pi

The Amazon Echo is useful to have around the home. It can play podcasts, take reminders and notes, tell you the length of your commute, even control other appliances in your house. But at prices ranging from $50 to $150, it’s an expensive proposition if you’re not...

How to Upload Google Photos and Create Public Albums

1) Open browser and go to and login using your Gmail or G Suite (Google Apps) account. Click the cloud icon (see red box) in the upper right corner. 2) After the photos finish uploading, choose "Shared Album" and select "New shared album." 3)...

SD Card Reformat on a Mac Computer

What are you trying to do? Format an SD card in Windows Where does it apply? Mac OS X How to do it Here is a link that shows you how to reformat an SD card (or MicroSD card) on your Mac: The steps are also written out below. Connect the SD card to your computer by...

How to burn .iso to USB drive

CD/DVD drives have gone obsolete and USB drives have become more popular and cheaper now. Thats the reason we prefer to use USB drives instead of CD or DVD to install a new system.  There are many utilities available which can do...

How to install Android 5.1 on a NOOK HD or NOOK HD+

The Barnes & Noble NOOK HD and HD+ were released in 2012, and the tablets offered high-resolution displays, dual-core processors, and microSD card slots, among other features. But they weren’t hugely successful for B&N, and the NOOK HD and HD+ were the last...

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