How do I install Exchange Management Console 2007?

First, you need to determine if your client machine that you will be using to connect to Exchange 2007 server is 32-bit or 64-bit. To download the 32-bit tool, you can go here --...

How do I change my site URL in wordpress

WordPress stores two addresses inside the database. These determine where your blog files are, and where the main index is. On a normal install, these addresses are the same. There are two occasions where you will need to access the database to alter one or both of...

10 Principles for Successful Work-Life Balance

Leadership coach Mike Hawkins offers 10 tips for balancing workplace pressures with life responsibilities. It seems the only way to get ahead in your profession these days is to get behind at home. Much is written on finding a healthy work/life balance. It is a...

When should I use a CNAME vs. an A Host record?

Alias (CNAME) resource records are also sometimes called canonical names. These records allow you to use more than one name to point to a single host, making it easy to do such things as host both an FTP server and a Web server on the same computer. For example, the...

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