You Can Now Check Mobile Phone Voicemail Using Google Voice
To take advantage of Google Voice's telephony management features, users have had to fulfill a tricky requirement: convince their contacts to call them using the single "phone number for life" that comes with this free online service. Not anymore. Google has...
Blackberry Desktop Manager for Mac Sync Error
A sync error occurred. Please retry the sync. What to do? Well… first backup everything you can. Backup the data on the blackberry and also the data you are syncing against (such as your address book or calendar). Then, reset your sync services on the Mac. Do you have...
Wii – My second remote is not recognized in multi-player games
You have to go to the main Wii menu and go to Remote Settings to resync each controller...
How to Create a Database Diagram in SQL 2005 and SQL 2008
Use SQL Management Studios to create a database diagram (you will see a folder called Database Diagrams when you expand the database you are working on). Then, you can right click and select Modify. Then go to top bar > Edit Menu and select "Copy to...
Mac OS X Bluetooth is Not Available
To restore bluetooth, you need to reset the power management. Turn off the notebook, unplug the power adapter, remove the batteries, then press and hold the power button for five seconds. Put the batteries back in and plug in the power adapter and you should be set.
How to Flush DNS in Mac OSX
In Mac OSX Leopard, you can use the command dscacheutil -flushcache to flush the DNS resolver cache: bash-2.05a$ dscacheutil -flushcache In Mac OSX versions 10.5.1 and before, the command lookupd -flushcache performed the same task: bash-2.05a$ lookupd -flushcache