Here are some steps to configure Apache URL rewriting because I was migrating from dokuwiki to Confluence wiki.
1) Download Url Rewrite Filter –
2) Download the zip and extract it into your Confluence directory — E:clientsConfluenceconfluence-3.2.1_01-stdconfluenceWEB-INF (in the WEB-INF directory, you will see the urlrewrite.xml file).
3) Copy the web.xml to your WEB-INF directory and add the following to your WEB-INFweb.xml (add it near the top above your servlet mappings)
4) Add your own URL rewrite rules to the WEB-INFurlrewrite.xml that was created.
For my purposes, I was migrating from dokuwiki to Confluence. My old doc site running on dokuwiki was but I wanted to move it to and use the URL for my new Confluence site.
For special characters like “.” or “:” or “?” I had to use a back slash (“”) in front of the special character — see below for an example.
Here is my urlrewrite.xml file
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE urlrewrite PUBLIC “-// UrlRewrite 2.6//EN” ““>
<to type=”redirect”>/display/ecf51releasehistory/Home</to>
<to type=”redirect”>/display/ecf51installanddeploy/System+Requirements</to>
<to type=”redirect”>/display/ecf51installanddeploy/SDK+Installation+Using+Installer</to>
<to type=”redirect”>/display/ecf51releasehistory/Home</to>
<to type=”redirect”>/dashboard.action</to>
<!– For image references in CSS files –>
<run method=”addPublicCachingHeaders” />
<to type=”forward”>/images/$2</to>
<run method=”addPublicCachingHeaders” />
<to type=”forward”>/$2</to>
5) Restart the Apache Tomcat Confluence service.