To Edit/Create a WordPress Post
1) Login to your admin site by opening up a browser tab and adding “/wp-admin” to the end of your company URL — i.e.
2) You should be seeing the admin site with the Dashboard on the left side menu.
3) Once logged in, edit an existing page/post by navigating to that page/post on the left side menu. Or, you can create a page/post by hovering over “New” on the top menu.
4) If you know some HTML, we strongly recommend that you edit/create a page or post using the “Text” editor instead of the “Visual” editor.
5) Remember to click the “Publish” or “Update” button when you are done.
To Link to an Uploaded File (i.e. PDF document)
1) Type the name of the document and highlight it.
2) Then select the “Add Media” button.
3) You will notice that there is some HTML code surrounding the name of the document you highlighted in Step #1:
<a href=””>name of document</a>
4) In order to cause the link to be opened in a new Window/Tab of your web browser, add the following — target=”_blank” — to the first half of the HTML code. It should look something like this:
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>name of document</a>
5) Remember to click the “Publish” or “Update” button when you are done.
Creating a Hyperlink
To create a hyperlink to a page/post on the same website you are already browsing (i.e.…
1) Highlight the name of the link and click “link.”
2) Type URL in box — i.e.
3) Leave the checkbox for “Open link in a new window/tab” blank.
4) Remember to click the “Publish” or “Update” button when you are done.
To create a hyperlink to a page/post on a different website (i.e.…
1) Highlight the name of the link and click “link.”
2) Type URL in box — i.e.
3) Make sure the box for “Open link in a new window/tab” is checked.
4) Remember to click the “Publish” or “Update” button when you are done.
Changing a Site Title or Tagline
1) Login to your admin site by opening up a browser tab and adding “/wp-admin” to the end of your company URL — i.e.
2) You should be seeing the admin site with the Dashboard on the left side menu.
3) Once logged in, on the left menu, navigate to Settings > General
4) Type a new “Site Title” or “Tagline.”
5) Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.