Google Meet is a powerful video conferencing tool that allows users to connect with colleagues, friends, and family from anywhere in the world. It’s a great way to stay connected and collaborate on projects, but sometimes you may need to remove Google Meet from a calendar invite. This can be a tricky process, but with the right steps, you can easily remove Google Meet from your calendar invite. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to remove Google Meet from your calendar invite, so you can get back to your work or socializing without any hassle. We’ll also provide tips and tricks to make the process easier and faster. So, if you’re looking for a way to remove Google Meet from your calendar invite, this blog post is for you.
Open the Calendar Invite
Signing into a Google account is necessary in order to access and edit the Calendar invite. Therefore, if you are not already signed in, you must first sign in to your Google account. Once you have successfully logged in, you will need to click the Calendar icon to open the Calendar.
Locating the invite can be done by scrolling through the Calendar until you find the invite in question or utilizing the search bar at the top of the page. Once you have located the invite, you will need to click on it to open it. The invite will open up in a new window and you will have the option to remove the Google Meet from the invite. To do this, you can click on the “More” drop-down menu at the top of the window and select “Remove Google Meet” from the list of options. Finally, click “Save” and the Google Meet will be removed from the invite.
Remove the Google Meet Meeting Link
This set of instructions outlines how to remove a Google Meet link from a calendar invite. First, open the calendar invite. This can be either an invite someone sent you or an invite you sent yourself. Once the invite is open, locate the Google Meet link in the body of the invite. Once the link is located, right-click the link and select “Remove Link” from the drop-down menu. This will remove the Google Meet link from the invite. Finally, click “Save” to save your changes. After clicking save, the Google Meet link will no longer be visible in the invite and the link will no longer be active.
Remove Google Meet as the Default Meeting Platform
This set of instructions provides users with an easy way to remove Google Meet from their calendar invites. To begin, click the “Settings” button located in the upper right corner of the Calendar. This will bring up a menu with various options. From there, select the “Meet” tab located in the left menu. This will open up a page with Meet settings. To remove Google Meet from your calendar invites, uncheck the box labeled “Use Meet as the default meeting platform.” Once you have done this, click “Save” to save your changes. After doing this, Google Meet should no longer be included as a default platform in your calendar invites.

Send the Updated Invite
In order to remove a Google Meet meeting link or set it as the default meeting platform from a calendar invite, the user should click on the “Send” button located at the top of the invite. This will send an updated version of the invite, without the Google Meet link or as the default meeting platform. The user can then proceed to invite the necessary contacts to the event.