How to Upgrade to the Latest Version of Ubuntu

You can upgrade from one Ubuntu release to another without reinstalling your operating system. If you’re running an LTS version of Ubuntu, you’ll only be offered new LTS versions with the default settings—but you can change that. We recommend backing up your important...

5 Simple Steps to Install FFmpeg on Windows 10

FFmpeg is well known framework to handle multimedia files effectively across any number of platforms including Microsoft Windows 10 to Linux, Mac, BSD, Salaries and many more. The vast set of libraries and programs that FFmpeg offers, makes it easy to encode, decode,...

How to Get Into the MacBook BIOS

A system’s BIOS, or Basic Input/Output System, is a software chip in a computer’s motherboard that determines how the operating system functions. All Windows operating systems use BIOS, while MacBook computers use an equivalent called EFI, or Extensible...

GitLab and SSH keys

Git is a distributed version control system, which means you can work locally but you can also share or “push” your changes to other servers. Before you can push your changes to a GitLab server you need a secure communication channel for sharing...