20 Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance

It’s really very tough job for every System or Network administrator to monitor and debug Linux System Performance problems every day. After being a Linux Administrator for 5 years in IT industry, I came to know that how hard is to monitor and keep systems up and...

Make Your Own Miniature Linux Laptop for Less Than $100

While you can install Linux on just about anything, old tablets are probably the cheapest way to do it. Case in point, Node put together a guide that repurposes a Nexus 7 tablet and converts it into a micro-sized laptop. The process here uses an old Nexus 8 tablet, a...

OpenDNS Updater for Linux / Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install ddclient sudo nano /etc/ddclient.conf ## OpenDNS.com account-configuration ## use=web, web=myip.dnsomatic.com ssl=yes server=updates.opendns.com protocol=dyndns2 login=opendns_username password=opendns_password opendns_network_label Now, just to...