Table plugin for wordpress

WP-Table Reloaded enables you to create and manage tables in your WP’s admin area. No HTML knowledge is needed. A comfortable backend allows to easily edit table data. Tables can contain any type of data and additional JavaScript libraries can be used to extend...

Working with a WordPress Vigilance Child Theme

First, create a folder called “mvigilance.” In that folder, create a screenshot.png and a style.css. Here is a sample of what you paste into your style.css. (beginning of file) /* Theme Name: myvigilance Theme URI: Description: This...

WordPress: My Posts Are Appearing in a Random Order

This happened to me in the Admin > Posts page as well as the RSS feed (the random order matched on both). This was caused by a bad plugin — postMash. So the morale of the story — if you see weird behavior, deactivate all of your plugins!