Vectr Launches Ubuntu Snap App

Vectr is excited to announce expanding into another platform: Linux Ubuntu! Now Vectr’s app is available for download for free using Ubuntu Snap so that anyone on Ubuntu could create beautiful vector graphics easily. Ubuntu is an amazing and powerful platform used by...

How to switch between users on one terminal?

You could use the “su” command. $ whoami user1 $ su – user2 Password: $ whoami user2 $ exit logout If you want to log in as root, there’s no need to specify username: $ whoami user1 $ su – Password: $ whoami root $ exit logout Generally,...

Linux and Unix chmod command

About chmod chmod is used to change the permissions of filesor directories. Overview On Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, there is a set of rules for each file which defines who can access that file, and how they can access it. These rules are called file...